Couture corner

Create your own designs with our fabric cuts from our stocks. You are making an eco-responsible gesture: well done!

Do you enjoy sewing? Would you like to create a dress, top, simple face mask or headband?

Great news! At Promod we now sell our best fabric swatches to encourage your creativity whilst avoiding excess fabric stocks!

As a further step in this direction, you can make your clothes 100% Promod by buying our new sewing patterns!

202 items

Products displayed: 48 / 202


 We suggest collections made from our dormant stocks of fabrics to develop the circular economy and limit waste. In the same spirit, some of our store windows are made out of these fabric stocks. Moreover, we wish to put our stocks of fabrics at the disposal of our community of customers who enjoy sewing. The objective is not to make profit on these fabric sales, so we are offering them at affordable prices. Each of our references includes an 'identity card' showing where the fabric was woven, knitted or patterned. Enjoy creating!